McGhee-Tyson ANGB, TN -- The 119th Command and Control Squadron celebrated its 60th anniversary of service to the United States on August 7. With five members of the squadron present who were present when the unit stood up in 1950, Col. David Evans, commander of the 119 CACS recognized those who have served in the unit over the years, and those who are serving today.
The anniversary celebration followed the recognition of the Hometown Heroes of the 119th. "This is a very special day, to know who you are, where you came from, and who has served," said Evans. It is a tremendous honor to recognize warriors, to recognize the sacrifice of the families, and to recognize the history of excellence, added Evans. Tours of the 119th facility and lunch at the base track rounded out the day.
The unit originally stood up as the 119th Aircraft Warning and Control Squadron operating under the Tactical Air Command. In the mid-1990's the squadron transferred to the US Space Command becoming a direct reporting unit and changing its name to what is today the 119th Command and Control Squadron.