public affairs

The 134th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs mission is to provide trusted counsel to its leaders; build, maintain and strengthen readiness and morale; and enhance public trust and support. The 134th ARW/PA works strategically to shape the Air National Guard and Wing's public image through targeted communication.

The 134th AW/PA communicates with our internal audience, local public, and military and civic leaders by utilizing traditional news reporting; feature stories and commentaries; video reports, graphic campaigns; television, print media and radio interviews; and social media.

PA relies on its three sections to complete daily tasks. Those sections include: Command Information, Community Relations and Media Relations. The professional staff members working in these sections are well-trained, and talented Public Affairs Specialists, all trained at the Defense Information School at Ft. George G. Meade, Md.

PA's duty is to keep base members and local civilians informed with complete and accurate information, and to increase public understanding of the 134th ARW missions.

Command Information

Command Information provides effective and efficient communication tools to link Airmen with their leaders. CI helps Airmen and their families understand their purpose, role, and value to the 134th Air Refueling Wing and the Tennessee Air National Guard. A free flow of information to Airmen and their families creates awareness of and support for the mission, increases their effectiveness as Air Force ambassadors, reduces the spread of rumors and misinformation, and provides avenues for feedback.

As part of Command Information, Visual Information provides programs that collect, preserve and accession VI products to meet operational, informational, training, research, legal, historical and administrative needs. Visual products, such as photo, video, and graphics, are catalysts for effective communication and document the Air Force’s visual history, through the accessioning process, for future generations. All public releasable imagery of significant historical value is accessioned to the Defense Video Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS)

To request CI support, please fill out AF Form 833.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement: Our community engagement program is designed to enhance morale, public trust, support and demonstrate that the 134th ARW is a community partner and a responsible steward of natural resources. We hope to increase public awareness and understanding of our mission. Our goal is to foster positive relations and maintain a reputation as a good neighbor, as well as a respected, professional organization charged with responsibility for national security. The community engagement section welcomes the opportunity to connect our communities with the mission and capabilities of the 134th Air Refueling Wing. We are pleased to offer the resources for the American public to request flyovers, military bands, color/honor guards, exhibit displays and speakers. Learn more about NGB Community Relations:

Aerial Events Request

Tour Request Form

Speaking Engagement Form

Noise Complaints: (865) 336-3218


Media operations

The Media Operations section provides information to the public (national and international) on the 134th Air Refueling Wing, Tennessee Air National Guard, and Department of the Air Force policies, programs, activities & issues through independent and DoD media.

Media Kits

Press Releases