McGhee Tyson ANGB, Tenn. -- A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for a $3.2 million entrance to McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base took place on Feb. 5.
The Department of Defense awarded McGhee Tyson ANGB funding to improve the entrance to the Air Guard Base. The project is a result of government security standards put in place after 9/11. Improved security inspection areas and popup barriers are some of the many improvements to the entrance.
A Local company, Blount Excavating and Paving, was contracted to pave a new perimeter road for the surrounding community. The 134th Civil Engineering Squadron coordinated with the Blount County Road Superintendent, Army Aviation Support Facility #2, Atmos Energy, City of Alcoa Electric and Water, Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority, FAA, C2RL and residents who live in the immediate area surrounding the base to ensure the project was successful.
The location of the new Base entrance places 119th Command and Control Squadron, Army Aviation and the FAA tower behind the gates of McGhee Tyson ANGB, adding safety and security for these locations.